me s

I’ve always had a creative imagination.

I studied Art at Northbrook College in Worthing UK and went on to a BA Degree in Photography and Mixed Media. I loved being a professional photographer and spent over 20 years combining part time work in a school for students with special needs and taking photos of people, places and events. I loved that I was able to capture magical and often very personable times, it was a privilege, a joy and often a wonder!

A little later in life I got married and had my two wonderful children and my photography career took a sideways step. But as my little ones grew so did my passion to reconnect with my artistic side.

I love the UK, it’s beautiful landscape but more importantly for me it’s spirit and heritage. There are certain locations that resonate a depth of mystery and intrigue that offer a welcome break from the bustle of life.

We live in the rolling downs of Sussex and spend our holidays in Dartmoor, Yorkshire, and Wales,  the mountains, rolling hills and the sea will always draw my attention, and when they come together I am truly at my happiest.

I am also drawn to our historical landscape, Abbey’s, Castles, windmills and the my particular favourite Brighton’s West Pier. Having seen the pier become the ruin it now is over the past 30 years – I feel like I know it intimately and I love that it still has such a story to tell.

I’ve always lived by the coast and the Piscean in me will always be drawn to the water. Waves mesmerise me.

During lockdown our family took many walks by the sea, drawn to the beach no matter the time of year.  I love that the sea has so many moods, from the high energy and exhilaration of powerful waves contrasting the soft light of late afternoons when the sea is like silk and greets the warmth of an early sunrise or sunset after a long day.

Art for me is about capturing the magic that I see in things.

I hope you enjoy looking at my pictures as much as I have enjoyed painting them.


Alicia Tolhurst-Brown

September 2021